Saturday, December 11, 2010

so i've been trying to scan these into the computer from my notebook but i give up. typing them out will take less time.

"tad lauritzen wright @ david lusk--
saw tad's show at david lusk...i'm excited to have a guy who makes beer can pyramids and giant car air fresheners as an advisor for grad school. art can try too hard to be serious sometimes, but this show was light-hearted and inspiring. refreshing."

"anguish @ the grad center--
bummed i didn't get to go to polly apfelbaum's lecture at rust hall this week--i was stuck pouring coffee and toasting bagels. i went to the opening downtown at the grad center though. i wanted to curl up and take a nap on polly's crushed velvet floor installation. i wish i could remember who made the copper wire & fake hair filigree-esque sculpture that was suspended in one of the installation rooms. it was beautiful and repulsive at the same time."

"mfa thesis exhibition--
this show is titled '5ive' but there were only four artists showing work, which is unfortunate and intimidating. the potential of being cut from the lineup makes this feel like some sort of reality show. eszter's work--printing onto circles of ice formed from petri dishes--was  really beautiful and meditative, and seemed incredibly personal...dealing with family photographs and her own biological origins. to be honest, i'm still struggling to understand emma's egg forms--especially the differences in costume among the eggs. kevin's work made me laugh."

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